ICF-Literature concerning certain disabilities and diseases
The overview leads to journal articles in English and German on the ICF in the context of diseases and disabilities.
Literature (373)
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1 Document Type: Compilation
von: Weiser, Manfred; Holler, Martin [u. a.]
2 Document Type: Journal article
The Assessment of People With Mental Illness in the Medical Service of the Federal Employment Agency
von: Ehren, Gabriel
2024 — Source: ASU
3 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Evaluation of post-traumatic stress disorders using dimension-based analysis and Mini-ICF-APP
von: Grömer, Teja Wolfgang; Denis, Doris; Dilcher, Klaus [u. a.]
2024 — Source: Der Medizinische Sachverständige (MedSach)
4 Document Type: Book/Monograph Handbook/Guidebook
ICF-basierte Förder- und Teilhabeplanung für psychisch kranke Menschen
von: Witzmann, Markus; Keller, Klaus; Kraus, Eva [u. a.]
5 Document Type: Journal article Online-Publication
Wenn die Sprache plötzlich streikt - Aphasie
von: Heinrich, Kim; Heber, Nicole
2023 — Source: ergopraxis
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6 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Psychological Person-Job-Fit Operationalized with the Mini-ICF-APP
von: Muschalla, Beate
2023 — Source: ASU
7 Document Type: Compilation article Research report/Study Online-Publication
Entwicklung des PadaCura-Fragebogens zur ICF-basierten Erfassung des Erwerbsminderungsrisikos: Ergebnisse einer retrospektiven Fragebogenerhebung
von: Weißmann, Regina; Loth, Fanny; Thomas, Joachim
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8 Document Type: Book/Monograph
Fähigkeitsbeeinträchtigungen bei psychischen Erkrankungen
von: Linden, Michael; Baron, Stefanie; Muschalla, Beate [u. a.]
9 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Contextual factors of patient self-regulation in psychosomatic rehabilitation - a cross-sectional analysis before the start of rehabilitation
von: Warth, Rieka von der; Rudolph, Matthias; Bengel, Jürgen [u. a.]
2022 — Source: Die Rehabilitation
10 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Interdisciplinary Psychocardiological Rehabilitation: from Model Project to Blueprint of the Dual Rehabilitation Concept
von: Langheim, Eike; Schmitz, Christoph; Köllner, Volker
2022 — Source: Die Rehabilitation
11 Document Type: Journal article Online-Publication
Code-Set für eine ICF-basierte Versorgung mit Unterschenkelorthesen (AFOs) - wie aus Scheitern Erkenntnisgewinn wird
von: Fröhlingsdorf, Peter; Espei, Andrea; Kandel, G. [u. a.]
2022 — Source: Orthopädie-Technik
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12 Document Type: Book/Monograph Handbook/Guidebook
von: Spitzer, Lena; Grötzbach, Holger; Kaiser, Julia
13 Document Type: Compilation
von: Schneider, Barbara; Wehmeyer, Meike; Grötzbach, Holger [u. a.]
14 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study Online-Publication
Soft Skills wanted?! - (Arbeits)Fähigkeiten und Fähigkeitsanforderungen am Arbeitsplatz beschreiben mit dem Fähigkeitsrating Mini-ICF-APP
von: Muschalla, Beate
2021 — Source: Gruppe - Interaktion - Organisation: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO)
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15 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study Online-Publication
The assessment of capacity limitations in psychiatric work disability evaluations by the social functioning scale Mini-ICF-APP
von: Rosburg, Timm; Kunz, Regina; Trezzini, Bruno [u. a.]
2021 — Source: BMC Psychiatry
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16 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Personality disorders in ICD-10 and ICD-11: Modifications in the diagnostic concept and their relevance to the assessment of individual capacity
von: Aßhauer, Felix
2020 — Source: Der Medizinische Sachverständige (MedSach)
17 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
The Mini-ICF-APP family: External and self-assessment of capacities, capacity-oriented description of work and ability to live independently
von: Muschalla, Beate
2020 — Source: Der Medizinische Sachverständige (MedSach)
18 Document Type: Book/Monograph Research report/Study
Teilhabe an Arbeit und Beschäftigung
von: Ommert, Judith
19 Document Type: Compilation article
The biopsychosocial model of the pandemic stress burden of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
von: Bering, Robert; Eichenberg, Christiane
20 Document Type: Book/Monograph Handbook/Guidebook Online-Publication
Rehabilitation und Teilhabe psychisch erkrankter und beeinträchtigter Menschen
von: Ernst, Regina; Haaf, Jennifer; Widera, Teresia
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21 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study Online-Publication
Developing an ICF Core Set for adults with cerebral palsy
von: Limsakul, Chonnanid; Noten, Suzie; Selb, Melissa [u. a.]
2020 — Source: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (JRM)
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22 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study Online-Publication
Preliminary ICF core set for patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in rehabilitation medicine
von: Bileviciute-Ljungar, Indre; Schult, Marie-Luise; Kristian, Borg
2020 — Source: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (JRM)
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23 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Determinants of Employment Outcome for the People with Schizophrenia Using the WHODAS 2.0.
von: Lu, Shu-Jen; Liou, Tsan-Hon; Yen, Chia-Feng [u. a.]
2019 — Source: Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
24 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Quantitative assessment of the possible hours of work in psychiatric expert witness assessment on the question of reduced earning capacity under Section 43 of the German Social Code Book VI (SGB VI)
von: Grömer, Teja Wolfgang; Käfferlein, Wolfgang; Kornhuber, Johannes [u. a.]
2019 — Source: Der Medizinische Sachverständige (MedSach)
25 Document Type: Journal article
Soft Skills einschätzen - Assessment: Mini-ICF-APP
von: Muschalla, Beate; Linden, Michael; Baron, Stefanie [u. a.]
2019 — Source: ergopraxis
26 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Indication for Inpatient Psychosomatic Rehabilitation in Primary Care Patients with Chronic Mental Disorders and Participation Impairments
von: Muschalla, Beate; Linden, Michael
2019 — Source: Die Rehabilitation
27 Document Type: Compilation article
Verbesserung des Versorgungsalltags durch IT-gestützte Technologien in der Neurorehabilitation - behinderungsangepasst und aktivitätenorientiert
von: Schupp, Wilfried
28 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Impairment of mental functions, limitations in capacities, and restrictions in participation in cardiology patients
von: Neue, Diana Carolina; Schikora, Martin
2019 — Source: Praxis Klinische Verhaltensmedizin und Rehabilitation
29 Document Type: Compilation article Research report/Study Online-Publication
Self-rating of capacity limitations in mental disorders: The Mini-ICF-APP-S
von: Linden, Michael; Keller, Laila; Noack, Nils [u. a.]
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30 Document Type: Compilation article Research report/Study Online-Publication
ICF basierte Messung der funktionalen Gesundheit im Verlauf der stationären neurologischen Rehabilitation nach Schlaganfall
von: Lamprecht, Juliane; Sickert, Almut; Clahn, Katja [u. a.]
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31 Document Type: Compilation article Research report/Study Online-Publication
The Mini-ICF-APP family of assessment instruments for impairment in acitivities and participation in the context of psychological disorders
von: Linden, Michael; Muschalla, Beate; Baron, Stefanie
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32 Document Type: Grey literature Research report/Study Online-Publication
Alltagsrelevanz von Teilhabe im Sinne der ICF im Rahmen der Behandlung auf psychiatrischer Akutstation
von: Scholdei-Taut, Heinke
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33 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Rehabilitation of the Upper Limbs in Patients with Neurological Diseases
von: Schäfer, Christoph
2018 — Source: Orthopädie-Technik
34 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Self-rating of capacity and capacity restrictions in mental disorders
von: Stöckler, Christiane; Kessemeier, Franziska; Petermann, Franz [u. a.]
2018 — Source: Praxis Klinische Verhaltensmedizin und Rehabilitation
35 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Comparing disability between traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury using the 12-item WHODAS 2.0 and the WHO minimal generic data set covering functioning and health
von: Tarvonen-Schröder, Sinikka; Tenovuo, Olli; Kaljonen, Anne [u. a.]
2018 — Source: Clinical Rehabilitation
36 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Validation of the ICF Core Sets for schizophrenia from the perspective of psychiatrists
von: Nuno, Laura; Barrois, Maite; Rojo, E. [u. a.]
2018 — Source: Journal of Psychiatric Research
37 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Towards a Rehabilitation- and Participation-Oriented Psychotherapy
von: Muschalla, Beate; Bengel, Jürgen; Morfeld, Matthias [u. a.]
2018 — Source: Die Rehabilitation
38 Document Type: Journal article
Betroffene beraten und sensibilisieren: Autofahren nach Schlaganfall
von: Hawighorst, Svenja; Scheidgen, Lena
2018 — Source: Ergotherapie und Rehabilitation
39 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study Online-Publication
Determinants of Sickness Absence and Return to Work Among Employees with Common Mental Disorders
von: de Vries, Haitze; Fishta, Alba; Weikert, Beate [u. a.]
2018 — Source: Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
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40 Document Type: Compilation article Research report/Study Online-Publication
Beruflich orientierte Interventionen in der Psychotherapie
von: Linden, Michael
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41 Document Type: Compilation article Research report/Study Online-Publication
Einsatz eines Planungskompetenztrainings im RehaAssessment - eine Machbarkeitsstudie
von: Arling, Viktoria; Benke, J.; Held, R.
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42 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Functioning in patients with schizophrenia: A systematic review of the literature using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a reference
von: Gorostiaga, A.; Balluerka, N.; Guilera, G. [u. a.]
2017 — Source: Quality of Life Research
43 Document Type: Journal article
Diagnostik in der frühen Frührehabilitation: ICF-orientiertes Screening mentaler Leistungen
von: Lück, Martina
2017 — Source: praxis ergotherapie
44 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Utilizing the ICF to Understand Depressive Symptomology in Multiple Sclerosis
von: Dorstyn, Diana S.; Black, R.; Mpofu, Elias [u. a.]
2017 — Source: Rehabilitation Psychology
45 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Progressive intervention strategy for the gait of sub-acute stroke patient using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health tool
von: Kang, Tae-Woo; Cynn, Heon-Seock
2017 — Source: NeuroRehabilitation
46 Document Type: Journal article
Spielend wieder auf die Beine kommen
von: hw-studio weber
2017 — Source: Not
47 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Changes in the evaluation of the (working) capacity profile of psychosomatic patients in the course of occupational therapy
von: Linden, Michael; Noack, Michael
2017 — Source: ASU
48 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
The Prognostic Significance of ICF Data with Regard to Realization of Recommendations Given in the Medical Discharge Report after In-Patient Psychosomatic Rehabilitation
von: Oster, Jörg; Wietersheim, Jörn von; Müller, Gottfried [u. a.]
2017 — Source: Psychotherapie - Psychosomatik - Medizinische Psychologie (PPmP)
49 Document Type: Compilation article
Möglichkeiten der psychosomatischen Rehabilitation
von: Bassler, Markus
50 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Participation after Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury
von: Pöppl, Dominik; Marheineke, Judit; Deck, Ruth
2017 — Source: Aktuelle Neurologie
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