Literature (127)
1 Document Type: Compilation
Die ICF-CY in der Praxis
von: de Camargo, Olaf Kraus; Simon, Liane; Rosenbaum, Peter L.
2 Document Type: Compilation article
Das Konzept der Teilhabe als Basis der Therapieplanung
von: Pletschko, Thomas
3 Document Type: Book/Monograph
von: Hollenweger, Judith; Camargo, Olaf Kraus de
4 Document Type: Book/Monograph Handbook/Guidebook
ICF-basiertes Arbeiten in der Frühförderung
von: Pretis, Manfred
5 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
The Communication Supports Inventory-Children & Youth (CSI-CY), a new instrument based on the ICF-CY
von: Rowland, Charity; Fried-Oken, Melanie; Bowser, Gayl [u. a.]
2016 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
6 Document Type: Book/Monograph
Erfassung der Teilhabe bei Vorschulkindern mit Frühförderung
von: Waage, Julia
7 Document Type: Journal article
Begutachtung von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Begutachtung von Entwicklungsstörungen nach dem SGB XI
von: Schefels, Joerg
2016 — Source: Der Medizinische Sachverständige (MedSach)
8 Document Type: Journal article
Grundlagen der Kindergesundheit - damit Kinder gesund aufwachsen (können)
von: Ziegler, Martina
2016 — Source: Lernen fördern
9 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Oral health, medical diagnoses, and functioning profiles in children with disabilities receiving paediatric specialist dental care - a study using the ICF-CY
von: Norderyd, Johanna; Lillvist, Anne; Kingberg, G. [u. a.]
2015 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
10 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Activities and participation of children with cerebral palsy: Parent perspectives
von: Mei, Cristina; Reilly, Sheena; Reddihough, Dinah [u. a.]
2015 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
11 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Pediatric neurorehabilitation and the ICF
von: Martinuzzi, Andrea; De Polo, Gianni; Bortolot, Sonia; Pradal, Monica
2015 — Source: NeuroRehabilitation
12 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Linking a short-stature specific health-related quality of life measure (QoLISSY) to the International Classification of Functioning - Children and Youth (ICF-CY)
von: Sommer, Rachel; Bullinger, Monika; Rohenkohl, Anja [u. a.]
2015 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
13 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Using the ICF-CY for Fitting Children with Orthopedic Devices
von: Espei, Andrea
2015 — Source: Orthopädie-Technik
14 Document Type: Journal article
Teilhabeplanung auf Grundlage der ICF - Praktische Anwendung und Umsetzung
von: Ziegler, Martina
2015 — Source: Lernen fördern
15 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Practical Recommendations for Robot-Assisted Treadmill Therapy (Lokomat) in Children with Cerebral Palsy: Indications, Goal Setting, and Clinical Implementation within the WHO-ICF Framework
von: Aurich-Schuler, Tabea; Warken, Birgit; Graser, Judith V. [u. a.]
2015 — Source: Neuropediatrics
16 Document Type: Compilation Handbook/Guidebook
ICF und ICF-CY in der Sprachtherapie
von: Grötzbach, Holger; Hollenweger Haskell, Judith; Iven, Claudia [u. a.]
17 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Linkage of ICF-CY codes with environmental factors in studies of developmental outcomes of infants and toddlers with or at risk for motor delays
von: Hwang, A. W.; Liao, H. F.; Granlund, Mats [u. a.]
2014 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
18 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Classification of functioning and impairment
von: Bölte, Sven; de Schipper, Elles; Robison, John E. [u. a.]
2014 — Source: Autism Research
19 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Comparing contents of outcome measures in cerebral palsy using the international classification of functioning (ICF-CY)
von: Schiariti, Veronica; Klassen, Anne F.; Cieza, Alarcos [u. a.]
2014 — Source: European Journal of Paediatric Neurology
20 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Ach, so geht das! Wie Kinder mit umschriebener Entwicklungsstörung der motorischen Funktion lernen, ihren Alltag leichter und erfolgreicher zu bewältigen
von: Jagusch-Espei, Andrea
2014 — Source: praxis ergotherapie
21 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
A survey on feasibility of ICF-CY use to describe persisting difficulties in executing tasks and activities of children and adolescent with disability in Italy
von: Meucci, Paolo; Leonardi, Matilde; Sala, Marina [u. a.]
2014 — Source: Disability and Health Journal
22 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Pediatric and adolescent medicine as an aid to participation
von: Gobara, S.
2014 — Source: Pädiatrie und Pädologie
23 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
ICF and ICF-CY lessons learned: Pandora’s box of personal factors: Perspectives in Rehabilitation
von: Simeonsson, Rune J.; Lollar, Donald; Björck-Akesson, Eva [u. a.]
2014 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
24 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Implementation of ICF in goal setting in rehabilitation of children with chronic disabilities at Beitostolen Healthsports Centre
von: Dalen, Hakon Erlend; Nyquist, Astrid; Saebu, Martin [u. a.]
2013 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
25 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Identification of core functioning features for assessment and intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders
von: Castro, Susana; Pinto, Ana Isabel
2013 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
26 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
ICF-CY based assessment tool for children with autism
von: Gan, Shu-Mei; Tung, Li-Chen; Yeh, Chun-Yu; Wang, Chun-Hou
2013 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
27 Document Type: Book/Monograph
Clinical Reasoning bei Kindern
von: Leschnik, Andreas
28 Document Type: Journal article
Kritik der ICF-CY - eine Analyse im Hinblick auf die Klassifikation von Verhaltensstörungen
von: Stein, Roland
2013 — Source: Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik
29 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Linking autism measures with the ICF-CY: Functionality beyond the borders of diagnosis and interrater agreement issues
von: Castro, Susana; Ferreira, Tiago; Dababnah, Sarah [u. a.]
2013 — Source: Developmental Neurorehabilitation
30 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Usefulness of ICF-CY to define functioning and disability in very low birth weight children
von: Giovannetti, A. M.; Raggi, Alberto; Leonardi, Matilde [u. a.]
2013 — Source: Early Human Development
31 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
A comprehensive description of functioning and disability in children with velopharyngeal insufficiency
von: Dzioba, Agnieszka; Skarakis-Doyle, Elizabeth; Doyle, Philip C. [u. a.]
2013 — Source: Journal of Communication Disorders
32 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Professionals' views of children's everyday life situations and the relation to participation
von: Adolfsson, Margareta; Granlund, Mats; Pless, Mia
2012 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
33 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Effect of equestrian therapy and onotherapy in physical and psycho-social performances of adults with intellectual disability: a preliminary study of evaluation tools based on the ICF classification.
von: Borioni, N.; Marinaro, P.; Celestini, S. [u. a.]
2012 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
34 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Using Social Capital to Construct a Conceptual International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Children and Youth Version: Based Framework for Stronger Inclusive Education Policies in Europe
von: Maxwell, Gregor; Koutsogeorgou, Eleni
2012 — Source: American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AJPMR)
35 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Linking Quality-of-Life Measures Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
von: Krasuska, Marta; Riva, Silvia; Fava, Leonardo [u. a.]
2012 — Source: American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AJPMR)
36 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
A Systematic Literature Review of the Situation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health
von: Moretti, Marta; Alves, Ines; Maxwell, Gregor
2012 — Source: American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AJPMR)
37 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Illustrating Child-Specific Linking Issues Using the Child Health Questionnaire
von: Fayed, Nora; Cieza, Alarcos; Bickenbach, Jerome
2012 — Source: American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AJPMR)
38 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Participation and environmental aspects in education and the ICF and the ICF-CY
von: Maxwell, Gregor; Alves, Ines; Granlund, Mats
2012 — Source: Developmental Neurorehabilitation
39 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health-Children and Youth Version - ICF-CY - to Cleft Lip and Palate
von: Neumann, Sandra; Romonath, Roswitha
2012 — Source: The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal
40 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Implementation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the ICF Children and Youth Version (ICF-CY) Within the Context of Augmentative and Alternative Communication
von: Pless, Mia; Granlund, Mats
2012 — Source: Augmentative and Alternative Communication
41 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Developing the ICF-CY for AAC Profile and Code Set for Children who Rely on AAC
von: Rowland, Charity; Fried-Oken, Melanie; Steiner, Sandra A. [u. a.]
2012 — Source: Augmentative and Alternative Communication
42 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Development of the participation and environment measure for children and youth: Conceptual basis
von: Coster, Wendy; Law, M.; Bedell, G. [u. a.]
2012 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
43 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Identifying assessment measures and interventions reported for Thai children with cerebral palsy using the ICF-CY framework
von: Tantilipikorn, Pinailug; Watter, Pauline; Prasertsukdee, Saipin
2012 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
44 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Perspectives on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health
von: Cramm, Heidi; Aiken, Alice B.; Stewart, Debra
2012 — Source: Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
45 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Content identification of the interdisciplinary assessment of cerebral palsy using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health as reference
von: Andrade, P. M.; Oliveira Ferreira, F.; Mendonca, A. P.; Haase, V. G.
2012 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation
46 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Does thinking and doing the same thing amount to involved participation? Empirical explorations for finding a measure of intensity for a third ICF-CY qualifier
von: Maxwell, Gregor; Alves, Ines; Granlund, Mats
2012 — Source: Developmental Neurorehabilitation
47 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Functioning and disability of children and adolescents in a vegetative state and a minimally conscious state: Identification of ICF-CY-relevant categories
von: Leonardi, Matilde; Sattin, Davide; Giovanetti, Ambra M. [u. a.]
2012 — Source: International Journal of Rehabilitation Research
48 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Linking COURAGE in Europe built environment instrument to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth (ICF-CY)
von: Koutsogeorgou, Eleni; Quintas, Rui; Raggi, Alberto [u. a.]
2012 — Source: Maturitas
49 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Generic patient-reported outcomes in child health research: A review of conceptual content using World Health Organization definitions
von: Fayed, Nora; de Camargo, Olaf Kraus; Kerr, Elizabeth [u. a.]
2012 — Source: Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
50 Document Type: Journal article Research report/Study
Exploration of the relationship between the Manual Ability Classification System and hand-function measures of capacity and performance
von: Öhrvall, Ann-Marie; Krumlinde-Sundholm, Lena; Eliasson, Ann-Christin
2012 — Source: Disability and Rehabilitation