e3 Support and relationships
This chapter is about people or animals that provide practical physical or emotional support, nurturing, protection, assistance and relationships to other persons, in their home, place of work, school or at play or in other aspects of their daily activities. The chapter does not encompass the attitudes of the person or people that are providing the support. The environmental factor being described is not the person or animal, but the amount of physical and emotional support the person or animal provides.
Categories/Items in this Chapter:
The items are linked, if at least one of the following corresponding information is present: Description, sub items, assistive products, literature or case studies.
After each item the total number of assistive products, literature and case studies is indicated in parantheses.
- e310 Immediate family (349)
- e315 Extended family (321)
- e320 Friends (0)
- e325 Acquaintances, peers, colleagues, neighbours and community members (47)
- e330 People in positions of authority (2542)
- e335 People in subordinate positions (2738)
- e340 Personal care providers and personal assistants (900)
- e345 Strangers (0)
- e350 Domesticated animals (42)
- e355 Health professionals (2134)
- e360 Other professionals (1226)
- e398 Support and relationships, other specified (6)
- e399 Support and relationships, unspecified (0)