b765 Involuntary movement functions
Functions of unintentional, non- or semi-purposive involuntary contractions of a muscle or group of muscles.
Results from the Fields
Sub Items:
The items are linked, if at least one of the following corresponding information is present: Description, sub items, assistive products, literature or case studies.
After each item the total number of assistive products, literature and case studies is indicated in parantheses.
- b7650 Involuntary contractions of muscles (0)
- b7651 Tremor (10)
- b7652 Tics and mannerisms (0)
- b7653 Stereotypies and motor perseveration (0)
- b7658 Involuntary movement functions, other specified (0)
- b7659 Involuntary movement functions, unspecified (0)