b6 Genitourinary and reproductive functions
This chapter is about the functions of urination and the reproductive functions, including sexual and procreative functions.
Categories/Blocks in this Chapter:
The items are linked, if at least one of the following corresponding information is present: Description, sub items, assistive products, literature or case studies.
After each item the total number of assistive products, literature and case studies is indicated in parantheses.
Urinary functions (b610-b639)
- b610 Urinary excretory functions (104)
- b620 Urination functions (610)
- b630 Sensations associated with urinary functions (14)
- b639 Urinary functions, other specified and unspecified (0)
Genital and reproductive functions (b640-b679)
- b640 Sexual functions (64)
- b650 Menstruation functions (0)
- b660 Procreation functions (22)
- b670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions (0)
- b679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and unspecified (0)
Items not belonging to a group / block
- b698 Genitourinary and reproductive functions, other specified (0)
- b699 Genitourinary and reproductive functions, unspecified (0)