b4 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems
This chapter is about the functions involved in the cardiovascular system (functions of the heart and blood vessels), the haematological and immunological systems (functions of blood production and immunity), and the respiratory system (functions of respiration and exercise tolerance).
Categories/Blocks in this Chapter:
The items are linked, if at least one of the following corresponding information is present: Description, sub items, assistive products, literature or case studies.
After each item the total number of assistive products, literature and case studies is indicated in parantheses.
Functions of the cardiovascular system (b410-b429)
- b410 Heart functions (443)
- b415 Blood vessel functions (222)
- b420 Blood pressure functions (74)
- b429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and unspecified (113)
Functions of the haematological and immunological systems (b430-b439)
- b430 Haematological system functions (179)
- b435 Immunological system functions (111)
- b439 Functions of the haematological and immunological systems, other specified and unspecified (19)
Functions of the respiratory system (b440-b449)
- b440 Respiration functions (618)
- b445 Respiratory muscle functions (303)
- b449 Functions of the respiratory system, other specified and unspecified (0)
Additional functions and sensations of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (b450-b469)
- b450 Additional respiratory functions (0)
- b455 Exercise tolerance functions (150)
- b460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions (1)
- b469 Additional functions and sensations of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, other specified and unspecified (0)
Items not belonging to a group / block
- b498 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, other specified (0)
- b499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified (0)