d5 Self-care
This chapter is about caring for oneself, washing and drying oneself, caring for one's body and body parts, dressing, eating and drinking, and looking after one’s health.
Categories/Items in this Chapter:
The items are linked, if at least one of the following corresponding information is present: Description, sub items, assistive products, literature or case studies.
After each item the total number of assistive products, literature and case studies is indicated in parantheses.
- d510 Washing oneself (532)
- d520 Caring for body parts (236)
- d530 Toileting (1543)
- d540 Dressing (584)
- d550 Eating (253)
- d560 Drinking (270)
- d570 Looking after one’s health (11553)
- d598 Self-care, other specified (146)
- d599 Self-care, unspecified (146)