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Titel der Veröffentlichung: Psychometric properties of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health set for spinal cord injury nursing based on Rasch analysis

Bibliographische Angaben


Li, Kun; Yan, Tiebin; You, Liming [u. a.]


k. A.


Disability and Rehabilitation, 2018, Volume 40 (Issue 3), Seite 338-345, London: Informa Healthcare, ISSN: 0963-8288, eISSN: 1464-5165



Der Text ist von:
Li, Kun; Yan, Tiebin; You, Liming [u. a.]

Der Text steht in der Zeitschrift:
Disability and Rehabilitation, Volume 40 (Issue 3), Seite 338-345

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Disability and Rehabilitation

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Psychometric properties of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health set for spinal cord injury nursing based on Rasch analysis

To examine the psychometric properties of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) set for spinal cord injury nursing (ICF-SCIN) using Rasch analysis.
A total of 140 spinal cord injury patients were recruited between December 2013 and March 2014 through convenience sampling. Nurses used the components body functions (BF), body structures (BS), and activities and participation (AP) of the ICF-SCIN to rate the patients' functioning. Rasch analysis was performed using RUMM 2030 software.
In each component, categories were rescored from 01234 to 01112 because of reversed thresholds. Nine testlets were created to overcome local dependency. Four categories which fit to the Rasch model poorly were deleted. After modification, the components BF, BS, and AP showed good fit to the Rasch model with a Bonferroni-adjusted significant level (χ2 = 86.29, p = 0.006; χ2 = 22.44, p = 0.130; χ2 = 39.92, p = 0.159). The person separation indices (PSIs) for the three components were 0.80, 0.54, and 0.97, respectively. No differential item functioning (DIF) was detected across age, gender, or educational level.
The fit properties of the ICF set were satisfactory after modifications. The ICF-SCIN has the potential as a nursing assessment instrument for measuring the functioning of patients with spinal cord injury. Implications for rehabilitation The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) set for spinal cord injury nursing contains a group of categories which can reflect the functioning of spinal cord injury patients from the perspective of nurses. The components body functions (BF), body structures (BS), and activities and participation (AP) of the ICF set for spinal cord injury achieved the fit to the Rasch model through rescoring, generating testlets, and deleting categories with poor fit. The ICF set for spinal cord injury nursing (ICF-SCIN) has the potential to be used as a clinical nursing assessment tool in measuring the functioning of patients with spinal cord injury.



Informationsstand: 12.04.2017